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Classroom-based Programs

Zones of Regulation - Kindergarten to Grade 3

Zones of Regulation is a systematic, cognitive behavioural approach used to teach self-regulation by categorizing all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete coloured zones. The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions an impulses, manage their sensory needs and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts.

Zones of Regulation Website (click here for more information)

Belly Breathe

Take A Breath

Rainbow Breathe Sing Along

Grumpy As A Grizzly Bear

Happy, Happy, Happy


Anxiousness & Red & Green Thoughts

Growth Mindset, Empathy, Perseverance and Self-Talk - Grade 3-6

The program helps students understand big feelings and how to navigate them in emotional healthy appropriate ways.


Kids Have Stress Too!!- Grades 1-8

Grades 1-8
Kids Have Stress Too! introduces children and adolescents to the topic of stress and how to manage it in fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate ways. The program promotes resiliency by buffering the impact of stress on children and youth, and by teaching positive coping strategies. KHST! encourages an emotionally healthy environment in classrooms by promoting self-regulation.

Grades 1-3 Lesson Topics: Understanding stress, calming the body, understanding and managing feelings, thinking skills.

Grades 4-6 Lesson Topics: What is stress?, stressed or not stressed?, deep breathing, hooked by stress!, worries & fears, puzzle solvers, express yourself to bust stress!

Grades 7-9 Lesson Topics: All about stress, your brain on stress, coping with it, rethinking stress, making positive choices, and reshaping your negative voice!

Stress Lessons, From Stress Out, a Program for Grade 7 to 9 Classrooms. The student-centred inquiry-based approach to teach stress-management strategies and skills and build emotional resiliency in their students and themselves.


Kindergarten-Grade 8
MindUP’s curriculum uses the latest neuroscience research to improve student behavior and learning. Each lesson offers easy strategies for helping students focus their attention, improve their self-regulation skills, build resilience to stress, and develop a positive mindset in both school and life. Each lesson is shaped around the importance of mindfulness and taking mindfulness breaks. The students will be guided through strategies and coping mechanisms to help keep themselves grounded.

Lesson Topics: How our brains work, mindful awareness, focused awareness, mindful listening, mindful seeing, mindful smelling, mindful tasting, mindful movement I and II, perspective taking, choosing optimism, appreciating happy experiences, expressing gratitude, performing acts of kindness, taking mindful action in the world.

Bounce Back!

Kindergarten-Grade 6
Bounce Back! promotes positive mental health, well-being, and resilience by teaching students the skills to ‘bounce back’ when they experience sadness, difficulties, frustrations, and challenging times.

Lesson Topics: Core values, social values, people bouncing back, courage, looking on the bright side, emotions, relationships, humour, being safe, success (STAR).

Merrell’s Strong Start/Kids/ Teens

Kindergarten-Grade 8
The Merrell’s curriculum is carefully designed to prevent the development of mental health difficulties and promote social and emotional wellness among children and adolescents. It specifically targets internalizing behaviour and emotional problems (e.g., low mood, anxiety, social withdrawal), using a cognitive behavioral (CBT) orientation, to promote social and emotional resilience.

Lesson Topics: Introduction and emotional strength training, understanding your emotions I and II, understanding other people’s emotions, dealing with anger, clear thinking I and II, solving people problems, letting go of stress, positive living, creating strong and SMART goals, finishing up.